Please note:

This blog (which originated during the 2012 Romney campaign) consists of my opinions, and my opinions alone. Despite the election loss, I've continued the blog, and write a post when strong feelings drive me to it. In spite of the blog titIe, I DO NOT speak for my church nor for other members of my church. If anything I say ever contradicts LDS doctrine .... forget me and go with the Church.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Abortion: What I would LOVE to ask a Democrat

If you are "pro-choice" and favor legal abortion on demand,  (meaning abortion in cases other than those that involve risk to the mother's health, or rape)  .......... or if you are both religious and a Democrat,  (the party that favors "pro-choice") ... PLEASE answer these questions:

1.  How does a woman's right to do as she wants with her own body, extend to the body of her child?  

2.  How is a living, yet unborn child, considered disposable?

3.  Why not exercise choice at conception?   Why must the innocent pay the price, if the parents failed to do so?

4.  Why not adoption?  It may be a difficult choice, but at least no one has to die.

5.  When is abortion NOT putting the mother's interests ahead of the child .... something society rightly frowns upon after birth.

6.  If my use of the terms "child", "disposable", and "die" seems too harsh, what terms would you suggest, and why?  Is it not a child?  Is it not being disposed of?  Does not abortion cause death?

7.  If you are Democrat and religious --- how, concerning abortion, do you blend the two?

8.  If you plan to vote for Barack Obama, who claims to be Christian, how do you deal with the following:

"In 2001, Illinois State Senator Patrick O'Malley discovered that a procedure was being performed at hospitals in Illinois where labor was induced on a mother for the purposes of an abortion. Children who survived this procedure were taken to another room and left unattended until passing. In response to this practice, he introduced three pieces of 
legislation dealing with born children.

The only member to oppose the legislation in committee and the only member to speak against them was State Senator Barack Obama. 

Obama said:  "Whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a - a child, a 9-month-old - child that was delivered to term. ... I mean, it - it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute."  

Last question:   If, Mr. Obama, it is NOT a child ..... 

..... then what is it???


  1. Do you favor banning abortions in EVERY instance? What about a rape, where the victim becomes pregnant, and women do become pregnant when raped,and carrying the pregnancy to term would kill the mother?

    Mr Obama was addressing issues like these--an anti-abortion statue would ban every abortion including the instance described above.

    It would be a wonder if the American people and congress could come to a reasoned resolution to this mortally serious issue, but as polarized as we are as a nation, where we cannot even agree on economics, I think a consensus on abortion is nearly impossible.

    1. No Lynn, I don't. I believe a fair law allows exceptions for those rare instances of risk to the mother's health and rape. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my post. I also doubt that a law banning abortion, that allows for no exceptions whatsoever, has been introduced, because no reasonable person would agree with it. That would be too extreme.

      We feel that the law, as it is now, is too extreme the other way. And allowing a living baby, who survived a late-term abortion attempt, to just lie there and die .... is inhuman. And a law barring anyone from helping such a baby, is a step towards a society that is down right frightening to me. I cannot fathom such a thing.

      Would you disagree with a ban on abortions with those exceptions named above?

  2. If I could not have ended my last pregnancy, I would have died from a pre-eclampsia seizure. I guess I have never thought of it as an abortion, but it was a terminated pregnancy to save my life. We were lucky that after 9 weeks of hospitalization, our 2 pound 7 ounce premie born at 28 weeks survived after given 50-50 odds at the time of her birth.

    This was a real life issue in our family. We were grateful that we were FREE to make our own decision which we felt was the best for our family. It did not occur to us that we were "breaking" the law or being "pro-choice." Maybe we were in both cases, It was a tough family time and from hindsight we are grateful we didn't need to consult with some government agent to make our decision or be denied our choice to end the pregnacy

    I am totally, 100 per cent, pro-life, so I guess there are exceptions. It was perhaps my life or the life of my baby, what a tough choice. We feel lucky that we have the lives of both.

    1. Marcia, I never thought of your situation that way either. Absolutely, there are exceptions. Has any law been introduced that didn't allow for these exceptions? I can't imagine. Yet this seems to be a frequent excuse for the pro-choice group. Thanks for sharing. It's a perfect example of the unquestionable need to save the life of the mother, that hits very close to home.

  3. Replies
    1. AND, I should point out that I'm glad I'M around and YOU are around, Mom! I can't imagine how I would feel if I had survived and you hadn't...

  4. I think Obama would answer your question "If it's not a child, what is it?" as "It's a born non-viable fetus; hence no requirement for medical attention." I had to look up the meaning of "viable".... there's still legal controversy surrounding it all.

  5. AuntSue
    Even in Utah, in the early 60's, long before Roe/Wade,
    abortions were legally available for rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. To say that conservatives, Republicans, Mormons are so extreme as to disallow any termination is rediculous.
