(Please be patient .... there IS a point here.)
I believe that the same healing power used by Jesus Christ when he lived here on earth, still exists and is accessible today.
This power is called the priesthood and it is how He does what He does. All worthy men who have covenanted with God through baptism, have the responsibility to accept ordination so to be able to utilize this power to DO as Jesus would do if he was physically here. (Getting to the point) .... And one of the many things Jesus DID, was give healing blessings. Actual healing blessings ..... like when one goes from sick to cured, IF being cured will give the individual the best shot, so to speak, at exaltation/heaven. Sometimes it won't, and He gives us strength and comfort to endure that from which we must learn.
The concept of healing blessings should be familiar to anyone who has read the Bible. Christ healed many people from things like blindness, leprosy, injuries, and even death. The process today is that two priesthood-bearing men, through what is called the "laying on of hands" and the anointing of oil, call upon God in prayer, to direct His healing powers to the one who is sick. It happened anciently. It happens today.
(Still getting to the point) ...... So what about when priesthood-bearers aren't available? On that note, you might ask about the people of Corinth when Christ was in Galilee? Were the sick or injured Corinthians just out of luck?
Because reason tells us God would not leave the Corinthians, or us, up a creek. He gave us prayer. God is always available and nearby and anyone can pray for His help. (Almost there!)
So then, the question arises ....... if prayer can save us, why do we need priesthood blessings? I've wondered this for years and am pretty sure you've wondered it too. Hence, the POINT(!) of this blog post....
I had an epiphany..... ta-da!
Consider this: If you are LDS, you've sat in many Sacrament Meetings and have seen the Sacrament administered countless times. By whom? The Deacons, Teachers, and Priests, AKA holders of the Aaronic priesthood. Does the Bishop and his councilors have the authority to administer the sacrament?
So why don't they do it?
They could do it, but it isn't their job. And if they DID do it, who learns from it? Who gains the much needed experience? The order of the Church is to let each of us do what we are responsible to do. If Aaronic priesthood holders are not there, then the Bishop, who is presiding, and others can step in and the ordinance rolls on.
The Lord authored the priesthood. It's His. He holds every right to utilize it in every possible way. Hence, He can heal. So when His priesthood-bearing servants are not able do their job, we can ask HIM step in and apply His power. And prayer is the simple, faithful request that He do so. Just like asking the Bishop to step in, if needed, to administer the sacrament. If priesthood bearers are available, we are to call on them to do their job. If not, we have a direct line to the One who can, and will, step in and send His blessing, through His priesthood. There is a procedure, a process, or in other words, a proper order for things to be done, and it's all by the same priesthood power, one way ..... or the other.
Because ...... Doctrine and Covenants 132:8 "Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God....."