Please note:

This blog (which originated during the 2012 Romney campaign) consists of my opinions, and my opinions alone. Despite the election loss, I've continued the blog, and write a post when strong feelings drive me to it. In spite of the blog titIe, I DO NOT speak for my church nor for other members of my church. If anything I say ever contradicts LDS doctrine .... forget me and go with the Church.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

On the lighter side .... My stab at an SNL routine

Daily "debriefing" at the White House

Obama to aide:  Soooo, got the checklist?

Aide:  Yessir.  Got it.

Obama:  Okay, let's see ..... Has Putin been warned again today?

Aide:  Check.

Obama:  Is Biden still contained ... have you checked the lock on his room lately?

Aide:  Did it myself, Sir.

Obama:  Time to feed the media some more of that "war on women" crap.  Better get on that today.

Aide:  Yessir.

Obama:  IRS emails destroyed?

Aide:  Check.

Obama:  Reid got his payoff?

Aide:  Check.

Obama:  Before I forget, if Hillary calls, I'm not in.  Okay?

Aide:  Got her on The List, Sir.    

Obama:  How about the Obamacare numbers ....are they cooked enough yet?  Gotta hit 7 mil. by Tuesday.  Except remember .... I don't know anything.  Got that?  

Aide:  Yessir.  

Obama:  Be sure to let the networks know I'll want some primetime to crow about our enrollment success.  

Aide:  Yessir.  Except they may not .....

Obama:  Hmmmmmm ...... Didn't we mention sending a plate of those pot-laced brownies over to the DOJ ..... did that happen?  

Aide:  Yessir.

Obama:  Did ya save one for me?

Aide:  Inside piece, Sir.  Just like you like 'em.

Obama:  Good, good.  Oh, and by the way, be sure Michelle doesn't see that case of Marlboros I ordered.

Aide:  Never, Sir.

Obama:  Okie dokie then ..... looks good.  I'm hitting' the greens.  See ya tomorrow.

Aide:  Enjoy, Sir.