Daily "debriefing" at the White House
Obama to aide: Soooo, got the checklist?
Aide: Yessir. Got it.
Obama: Okay, let's see ..... Has Putin been warned again today?
Aide: Check.
Obama: Is Biden still contained ... have you checked the lock on his room lately?
Aide: Did it myself, Sir.
Obama: Time to feed the media some more of that "war on women" crap. Better get on that today.
Aide: Yessir.
Obama: IRS emails destroyed?
Aide: Check.
Obama: Reid got his payoff?
Aide: Check.
Obama: Before I forget, if Hillary calls, I'm not in. Okay?
Aide: Got her on The List, Sir.
Obama: How about the Obamacare numbers ....are they cooked enough yet? Gotta hit 7 mil. by Tuesday. Except remember .... I don't know anything. Got that?
Aide: Yessir.
Obama: Be sure to let the networks know I'll want some primetime to crow about our enrollment success.
Aide: Yessir. Except they may not .....
Obama: Hmmmmmm ...... Didn't we mention sending a plate of those pot-laced brownies over to the DOJ ..... did that happen?
Aide: Yessir.
Obama: Did ya save one for me?
Aide: Inside piece, Sir. Just like you like 'em.
Obama: Good, good. Oh, and by the way, be sure Michelle doesn't see that case of Marlboros I ordered.
Aide: Never, Sir.
Obama: Okie dokie then ..... looks good. I'm hitting' the greens. See ya tomorrow.
Aide: Enjoy, Sir.
LOVE SNL!!!! Even though they've been doing this to Bush for YEARS.