Please note:

This blog (which originated during the 2012 Romney campaign) consists of my opinions, and my opinions alone. Despite the election loss, I've continued the blog, and write a post when strong feelings drive me to it. In spite of the blog titIe, I DO NOT speak for my church nor for other members of my church. If anything I say ever contradicts LDS doctrine .... forget me and go with the Church.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Leftism, the master of the smear

What has extreme Leftism done well?  How has it affected education, art, science, religion, or society in general?  Not to mention government .... which is a whole other post.   Or maybe I should ask, where has it NOT done damage?

Too many of our universities un-teach the morals and values instilled by parents, at an exorbitantly inflated price, causing back-breaking debt.  Art, which includes movies, has been degraded to include pornography, vulgarity, and immorality, under the misused excuse of Free Speech.  Science has been lowered to accept theories as facts, which are then used to strangle businesses and jobs.   Religion is often mocked and dismissed as irrelevant, or pressured to re-write age-old values and truths to fit the new social norm.

Leftism has hurt families in that it rewards irresponsible behavior with government handouts.  Hence we have generations of children being born into single-parent households, with no father in sight, who then grow up in poverty and repeat the cycle.

But there is one thing extreme Leftism does very well.  So well, it's almost unstoppable.  It is a master at smearing the Right.

It has so skillfully marketed such a pack of lies about the Right, that it's breathtaking.  A few examples:

Conservatism is racist.  There is not a hint of logic in this, yet millions believe it.  If the Right criticizes someone in government who is black, they most certainly will be accused of racism.  Yet the Left ignores the many conservative-leaning black people who are adored by the Right ..... as in Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condie Rice, Alan West, Mia Love, to name a few.

Conservatism does not care.  Oh really?  Who gives more to charity?  Republicans.  Who donates more time through volunteering?   Republicans.   Who joins the military, putting their lives in danger, to fight for the freedom of another?  Mostly Republicans.  Who would LOVE to be let loose to build their businesses and provide jobs???  Republicans.

The Right is anti-immigration.  Wrong again.  The Right is anti-ILLEGAL-immigration.   We LOVE immigrants who follow the rules.  We LOVE immigrants who come here and assimilate.  We are ALL descendants of such immigrants.  How can we reward someone who broke the law by coming here illegally, then expect someone else to not do the same?  Why have immigration laws, if they can be side-stepped?    

The Right hates (fill in the blank) ....  Homosexuals.  The poor.  Hispanics.  Victims.  Women.  The elderly.  Animals.  Trees. You name it.  This is one of their biggest lies.   Yet the Left has done tremendous damage to minorities.   They have perpetuated the victim mentality and the resentment and entitlement attitude that follows.  They ignore the generations of people of every minority who came to this country and made it through hard work and sacrifice .... motivated by the freedom of being allowed to keep what they earned .... and without the "benevolent" hand of government.   They have twisted values and morals that have existed throughout the ages that we feel are vital for the survival and well-being of individuals, as well as the human race.  And they create fear that, for example, .... the Right will heartlessly throw grandmothers off cliffs, kill people with cancer, ....... and enslave woman by supposedly taking away their birth control, and telling them they are better off married before getting pregnant and that innocent unborn children deserve life.

The extreme Left has mastered the ability of besmirching the Right, through smoke screens and the complete disregard for, or twisting of, facts.   And we, on the Right, run around trying to clear our reputations, waving that all-too-trampled banner called TRUTH, and arguing the same arguments over .... and over .... and over.  

But what else can we do?

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